Monday, November 10, 2008

Molly Janczyk: More questions

From Molly Janczyk, November 10, 2008
Subject: FW: Trans Union Credit.
I answered the person below that it was for all Med. Mut. STRS retirees. WHY DOES STRS THINK SO MANY FOLKS COME TO US FOR ANSWERS INSTEAD OF THEM? They trust we will give the truth and find the right answers while working for them -- something they do not feel STRS is doing. It will make no difference; they feel they have a conscience and are doing the right thing because STRS staff and legal advisors tell them so. As Mooney told his board reps, who don't listen, What do you think STRS and its attorneys will say? They don't have the stamina nor the will to stand up to heat and not making nice on the board. Social gatherings would be a better place for them.
WHY DO THEY NOT INSIST ON FILLING THE VACANT SEATS ON THE STRS BOARD? One has been vacant since 2006. They do not want to make waves, period. Vote together, play nice and rationalize you are doing the right thing, no matter what. Send out STRS rhetoric. That is all good. Perhaps even mostly true. Doesn't mean it is the ONLY truth for pension systems, however. Numbers and facts can always be used to back any scenario. Doesn't change the fact that CHANGE COULD BE AFFECTED AS WELL!
To Molly Janczyk, November 10, 2008
Subject: Re: Trans Union Credit.
Wow -- very well said, Molly!! This should put all of them to shame, but if none of them have a conscience, it probably won't. Sometimes I think all we can do is keep hammering away and show the world what's REALLY going on down there.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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